Drugs On The Streets - Michael Rapha

Drugs On The Streets
When street witnessing in the UK it is wise to be aware of the present drug situation.
Frank (not real name) told me he picked up what he had been led to believe was an ordinary roll-up in McDonald’s. He took it back to his flat, took “just one pull” and for about five hours he kept falling over and trying to stand up. During this time he said his heart was pounding and he was coughing up white phlegm. Towards the end of the experience a Christian started praying for him and Frank said he was aware of what was been said in the prayer.
It is quite probable that this roll up contained a synthetic drug such as Spice or Mamba.
These drugs were primarily discovered by John Huffman who was researching the impact of cannabis. Huffman synthesized a compound called JWH-018 in 1993 and published the formula in a series of papers and a book called “The Cannabinoid Receptors.”
Spice was previously known as one of the so-called "legal highs", before being banned along with other psychoactive substances in May 2016.
Walking around central Birmingham after noon, it is common to see men and women collapsed in doorways or lying in the middle of the pavement, or doubled over - as if frozen to the spot. People call 999 and paramedics arrive to minister to these people.
Recently another drug dubbed “Monkey Dust” is being regularly used in the Staffordshire area. Symptoms include: unpredictable behaviour, psychosis of being paranoid, superhuman strength in some cases and no fear of doing anything.
Monkey dust is a stimulant known as a cathinone and classified as a Class B drug. Other drugs in this classification include amphetamines, barbiturates, codeine, cannabis, mephedrone and synthetic cannabinoids. Class A drugs include: heroin (diamorphine), cocaine (including crack), methadone, ecstasy (MDMA), LSD, and magic mushrooms.
Because it is impossible to tell what substances are within street drugs it can make it extremely difficult for medical staff to provide treatment.
The Biblical definition of Pharmakeia (Strong’s #5331) is:
“... the use of medicine, drugs, spells; then poisoning; then witchcraft (Gal.5:20; Rev 9:21; 18:23).” One commentary on Rev 9:21 states, “Drugs are used in association with sorcery because they place the practitioner into an altered state of consciousness whereby he or she becomes more open to contact with the demonic realm (1).”
Michael Rapha

  1. https://www.biblestudytools.com/commentaries/revelation/revelation-9/revelation-9-21.html


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