
Showing posts from November, 2017


GENESIS Chapter 1 1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. ( My junior school teachers never taught this nor does my local church) 2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. ( Those who resist the Spirit of God are void of truth and therefore Christ cannot be formed in them)  3 And God said, let there be light: and there was light. ( The light of the word is rejected by so called higher education.) 4 And God saw the light, that it was good: and divided the light from darkness. ( Higher education joins onto darkness.) 5 And God called the light Day, and the darkness  he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day. ( A literal 24 Hour period. What we should have been taught from the beginning)


Amriks Testimony From childhood I followed the Sikh traditions of my family, which I was expected to pass on to my children. I had no joy and found no comfort in this religion, and yet I had nothing else as I wandered desperately through life wondering what was the point of it all? I had a void and nothing could fill it and I desperately searched for the meaning to life. I turned to yoga and meditation and had mystical experiences, but they didn't change me for the better, they did not give me the peace and understanding I was looking for.  I started visiting my local library looking for knowledge; I read philosophy, history, autobiographies and yet I was none the wiser concerning the deeper issues of life and salvation. Then one day I was in my local library looking at books on alternative medicines and I turned from that section and found myself facing the Holy Bible. I reached out to take hold of it and thoughts came rushing to my mind, this is not for me I have my reli...


Greetings All, l trust you are all well in the Lord. Last week I had the opportunity to travel to Cromford near Matlock in the Peak District for a lovely Christian Retreat Holiday.  It was a great time of ministry and I left refreshed, strengthened, and encouraged in my Christian walk. On one of the days I struggled giving my testimony for about three quarters of an hour (especially with the microphone which seemed to take me all over the room), for I had just finished a three hour walk in the Derby Dales and this followed the usual three hours of ministry and devotions in the morning! It seemed to go down very well, Praise the Lord, for so many people came up to me afterwards to hug me (or give me a Cwtch as they say in South Wales), and told me how much they enjoyed my testimony of how I converted from Sikhism to become a Born Again Christian in Jesus! I was shown no little love all through the week. Brian Gemmell, the main speaker, invited me to stay with hi...


A Taste of Hell and Death A taste of hell a taste of death;  Falling down a bottomless pit,  Falling, falling, oh so scared,  No one to catch me,  No one to hold.  Sin has slain me;  Darkness has encompassed me.  What hope have I?  I was deceived! The world was my oyster,  I did it my way!  Foolish melody`s I listened to.  I drank the strong drink  Of them that perish.  I have seen the future,  I have seen the past.  Life is not such a blast!    On my knees I do fall;  Save me Jesus,  Save me now!  A wretched sinner I come to thee.  Wash me in thy precious blood  And help me now to live for thee! 


Rapture Thoughts  In a twinkling of an eye,   We're about to say goodbye! Taken out with a shout,   Up in glory!  Tell this story,   The time is drawing nigh!    Reaching out a hand,  To those that don't understand.  I`m a feeble man;   I do what I can.  My heart is breaking,  I just can’t take in those who will be left behind!    Brothers can you help!  Get the gospel out.  A final rally,  A final shout;  Please tell them what it’s all about.


See it?  Soaps on TV And suds to drink,  Washing your brain,  Unable to think.  You just don`t see it!  Going down the pub,  Waste of time.  Money down the drain,  You just don't see it!  Can’t sit still,   Need a thrill,  Pop a pill.  You just don`t see it!  Watching every commercial,  Buying every brand,  Life full of amusement,  Yet no contentment.  You just don`t see it!  The god of this world,  Blinded your mind,  Lest the gospel of Christ,  Shine in you,  And you see it! 


The Light of Life  The lights are on, but no one’s home,   The conscience blew out long ago.  In sin and fear I do live,   Just take, take, take, and never give!  My path is dark, and downhill;  Nothing to stop me falling further still, Terrified and tormented,  in alcohol I have depended. I have gone too far, my ways can never be mended! To my amazement I stumbled on a book,  Into my soul it was able to look, And give me light to put me right,  And now look up never down,  One day I might even receive a crown.  Without the need of alcohol, I am able to live,   My heart has changed to give, give, give,   And share the love of Jesus my saviour,   The light of the world who lit up my life!  In him was life; and the life was the light of men.


Kindle a Fire! Tulips are originally from North Africa and are now planted in many nations. Augustine  a catholic  theologian and philosopher (read Colossians 2v8) originally from North Africa sowed the seeds of the false doctrine known by the TULIP acronym, which now is taught in many nations (church plants).      Tulips have I Loved, but Calvinism have I hated!   Calvinists please don't take above statement to mean tulips are going to Heaven and Calvinists to hell!    Romans 9v13 As it is written, Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated.  Romans 9v13 A verse Calvinists wrestle with to their own destruction; speaks of covenant blessing opposed to salvation.  Read Luke 14v26 which clearly shows unless you are spiritually blinded to it; that hate in this context means less preferred.    Read Romans 10v9  http://www.kin...


Servant Heart!  Oh faithful servant of the Lord!   Who`s always ready with his spiritual sword,  To cut asunder and set loose,   Those who`ve never heard the word of  truth.  You labour day and night;   For those things you consider right.   You make the hireling feel ashamed.  He makes it out; you’re to be blamed!  But all you do is live for him,  Who set us free from our sin. 


The Greatest Transaction  The greatest transaction that a person can make; involves no hand phone, no internet connection, no dealing cost, no sales tax, it’s absolutely free! You may have made a vast fortune in stocks and shares like Warren Buffett but have you missed out on the real deal!  Matthew 16v26 For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul. The price for the greatest transaction ever made available to man was paid on the cross of Calvary. 2 Corinthians 5v21 For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.  What an offer!  Jesus took our sins on the cross and those who believe the Gospel receive the righteousness of Christ. Romans 5v18 Therefore as by the offence of one judgement came upon all men to condemnation; even so by the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men unto justification o...


Fare ye well, fare ye well,  Oh pilgrim soldier.  Fare ye well, fare ye well,  My valiant friend!  Girt up loins like a man,  Ding all that you can;  With the armour of our God,  Terefore, taking a stand!  Fare ye well, fare ye well,  Oh pilgrim soldier.  Fare ye well, fare ye well,  My valiant friend!  Not dismayed by what's ahead,  Bringing life to the dead,  May your love endure,  Staying faithful to the end!  Fare ye well, fare ye well,  Oh pilgrim soldier.  Fare ye well, fare ye well,  My valiant friend!  With the King James Bible in one hand,  And Christian battle notes in the other, Marching on as to war,  Enduring hardness as a soldier!  Fare ye well, fare ye well,  Oh pilgrim soldier.  Fare ye well, fare ye well,  My valiant friend!  Thou we fight with evil  Powers and principalities,  We will not be th...


Spiritual Food  If I stir up your mind,  If I make your heart burn,  Will I get the juices flowing for you to learn!  True spiritual food is the word of God.  All the ingredients are there If you search the Scriptures.  A hunger and thirst for righteousness Only Jesus can quench.  Oh come to the Saviour,  Taste of His goodness,  Never to hunger or thirst again,  Bread from Heaven, Living Water,  Restoring the hungry soul.